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Séjourner chez Appart'hotel Djembé c'est opter pour le confort et le bien être. Natitingou has an agriculture based economy, specialized in growing maize, yams, cotton and sorghum. Our Road Map helps you quickly determine the distance between cities, such as distance between cities Cotonou - Natitingou. Calculating distance in kilometer between two Cities. Planning a trip from Cotonou to Natitingou is easy when you use to help you make travel arrangements. Natitingou is located in Atakora and his population is 80,892 inhabitants. Distance from Cotonou Benin to Natitingou Benin What is the distance from Cotonou Benin to Natitingou Benin? The road distance is 337.6 miles. Trajet Bohicon - Cotonou - forum Bénin - Besoin d'infos sur Bénin ? By analyzing data from all airlines, on, you can find the lowest flight prices on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Culture, Shopping and Food in Natitingou: Natitingou is inhabited by the Somba people who are very polite and have a friendly nature, mainly to help visitors coming to the place year round. Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. It was established in 1910. Other than facilities and services, visitors can also enjoy mouth watering traditional delicacies at Natitingou’s hotels. There is no direct flight from Tamale Airport to Lagos Airport. Airlines adjust prices for flights from Cotonou to Natitingou based on the date and time of your booking. Tourists must pay entrance fee (200 CFA) only during the summer months not during the rest of the year. List of the other tourist attractions in and around Natitingou includes: From November to February is the best time to visit Natitingou to enjoy the beauty of its natural sceneries. Calcular rota de Natitingou (Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra) para Cotonou (Littoral, Andorra).. A distância do voo (como o corvo voa) entre Natitingou e Cotonou é 452.3 km. Tasty local red cheese is famous among visitors and for shopping, the town houses both modern as well as traditional shops with unique locally made handicraft products. 5 days guided tour of Natitingou, Cotonou highlighting Nature, Rural Experience and Wildlife. The commune covers an area of 650 square kilometres and as at the May 2013 Census had a population of 655,965 people. We, and third parties, use cookies for technical and analytical purposes, for marketing purposes and for integration with social media. COTONOU 15.000F BOHICON. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Official Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Benin, How to get from Luton Airport into central London. gestion d'un parc de vehicules cotonou 21 au 25 mai 2012 350.000 maintenance et conduite de vehicule cotonou 22 au 24 aout 2012 250.000 le metier de l'agent de liaison cotonou 04 au 05 décembre 2012 180.000 metier de consultant le metier de consultant cotonou 09 au 12 octobre 2012 300.000 Calculation of distances between cities Natitingou, Cotonou. Cotonou Particulier il y a 1 an Recrutement et Offres D'Emploi Cotonou . 2.1 -Toutes les locations démarrent à Cotonou, sauf dans le cas d'un safari dans le nord du Bénin ou les locations débutent à Natitingou.La tarification de base de la location de véhicules est la journée de 6 heures à 20 heures avec kilométrage illimité, la tarification comprend la location du véhicule sur COTONOU intra-muros et la mise à disposition d'un chauffeur dans les . The natural beauty the Falls of Tanougou is located within a 2 hour drive from Natitingou. For the latest travel status, please check the official page for Benin. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 10h 2m. Whether you’re taking a last-minute break or a much needed getaway, flights from Cotonou to Natitingou on can help you get there with ease. Read our range of informative guides on popular transport routes and companies - including Getting around the Cyclades, Flying into Beijing? Vous êtes chargé(e) d'impulser la politique commerciale de l'entreprise, d'être une force de proposition, et de gérer toutes les activités commerciales de l'entreprise. Voyage en train au Bénin. Some travel restrictions are being lifted in Benin. . Wifi. Last updated: November 9 | Data sourced from: ACAPS, OXFORD. Calculation of distances between cities Cotonou, Natitingou. Distance calculator is a tool for calculating distance between 2 Cities with Estimated Travel Time from Cotonou to Natitingou. Find all the transport options for your trip from Natitingou to Cotonou right here. The Kota Falls or Chutes de la Kota is a popular nature lovers spot, situated a few kilometers away from Natitingou. Driving route: -- (- ) The shortest route between Natitingou and Cotonou is according to the route planner. aller de cotonou à natitingou Avion??? You can also refer to. Your Natitingou tips. A partir de 1200 €. The rooms are spacious and clean. Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre > Bénin. They. 5 Kassa C. 1 year ago (Translated by Google) The museum of Natitingou is a place that allows us to discover and know the history of this city housed between the mountains. Natitingou est une ville béninoise pleine de charme située au nord-ouest du Bénin. The driving time is approx. Stay well, stay at home if you can, especially if you have symptoms. The geographical coordinates of Natitingou are 10°18′ N 1°22′ E and the town covers a total area of 3,045 square kilometers. Find the travel option that best suits you. A distance along the route ~ 588 km (365.366148 miles) . caution eau: 30.000 f, remboursable à la fin du séjour après déduction des charges . Vous pourrez consulter la grille détaillée des tarifs sur la page Facebook de Bénin Taxi. For the latest travel status, we recommend checking the official page for Benin. Natitingou is located in the northeastern part of the country, around 80 kilometers northwest of Djougou and 550 kilometers northwest of the commercial capital, Cotonou. Calcul des distances Cotonou - Natitingou, le temps de déplacement, montrer itinéraire sur la carte, les cartes routières, de calculer la distance de plusieurs kilomètres (km) et un parcours Cotonou Natitingou. Fidjrossè, Cotonou Bénin. Travel insurances We also offer travel health insurance and travel cancellation insurance. Compare prices of 318 hotels in Cotonou on KAYAK now. Cotonou is located in BJ and Natitingou is located in BJ.Approximate distance from Cotonou to Cotonou is 456 Kms or 282.9 Miles miles. A distance along the route ~ 588 km (365.366148 miles) . By proceeding, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with our, Take the bus from Lagos Jibowu to Cotonou. Très populaire à Cotonou et dans toutes les autres villes du Bénin, le Zémidjan est le mode de transport le plus populaire du pays. A second skeletal tower was built in 1928, and that light was moved to the water tower in 1968. Nov 2018 - Present2 years 10 months. Find all the transport options for your trip from Natitingou to Cotonou right here. All rights reserved. They live in Tata Somba Houses which are really interesting dwellings with 3 storeys. Photos from Damalisque Transport's post . 0.0 star . Request this tour starting from EUR 400 . Some domestic travel restrictions began to ease in Benin from June 4. Rome2rio makes travelling from Natitingou to Cotonou easy. Natitingou attracts thousands of visitors every year for both business and pleasure. 2 of 16 Pendjari National Park 1 Views This image is property of the community. Calendrier Des Jours Fériés Du Bénin 2020:Il y a un cadre de transport très propice et fiable qui gère votre transport de type visite normale à travers chaque ville importante du Bénin ordinaire, et même certains tout au long du Bénin.Il existe de nombreuses lignes importantes avec une portée de la nature des transports. By analyzing data from all airlines, on, you can find the lowest flight prices on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Situated around 50 kilometers away from Natitingou, the Pendjari National Park is rich in flora and fauna species, covering an area of around 2755 square kilometers. Our Road Map helps you quickly determine the distance between cities, such as distance between cities Cotonou - Natitingou. The cook combines Western and African food perfectly and the staff is really friendly in general. Services: Transfert d'argent Transfert d'argent en espèces Retirer l'argent Envoi d'argent vers un mobile . One can see this type of houses all around Natitingou and in its surrounding areas. Half of the trip is reached in . Distance from Cotonou (Littoral), to Natitingou (Atakora) Cotonou is a city located in Littoral and his population is 780,000 inhabitants. Address: Natitingou, Cotonou, Littoral department of BEN 08BP0879 ☎ +229-21-313228 | Located near Perle Noire, RNIE 3;RN 7, Winkè, Natitingou, Atacora, Bénin, at a distance of ~50 m. Info about directions, hours of work. Il parait que de nuit. - Wikipedia. Calculation of distances between cities Cotonou, Natitingou. Natitingou is located in the northeastern part of the country, around 80 kilometers northwest of Djougou and 550 kilometers northwest of the commercial capital, Cotonou. Sérieux, ponctuel et à votre écoute, je ferai tout pour répondre à vos demandes et faire de votre visite un voyage inoubliable et authentique. Cette merveilleuse agglomération est souvent fréquentée par des touristes, sûrement grâce à ses attraits touristiques tels que : les chutes de Kota, le musée ethnographique régional ou encore la chaîne de l'Atacora.Visiter Natitingou permettra à ses visiteurs de profiter des journées sous les . Address: Post Office And Telecommunicat Department De L Atacora, Natitingou, BEN 05BP:301 COTONOU ☎ +229-821159 | Located near 1007, Avenue Pière Delorme, Ganhi, 5ème Arrondissement, Cotonou, Littoral, 05BP:301 COTONOU, Bénin, at a distance of ~69 m. Info about directions, hours of work. Tous les autres lots arrivent à leur fin en juin 2020. Flight route: 288.76 mi (464.72 km) (1h 2min) Browse direct and non-stop flight airfares to Natitingou on different airlines. Challenge sportif en 2016 au profit de l'association Jar'Nati Bénin qui vient en aide aux orphelinat du Nord-Bénin. © 2019 The best way to get from Natitingou to Cotonou without a car is to bus which takes 10h 2m and costs $19. A distance along the route ~ 588 km (365.366148 miles) . Le Sud du Bénin. Situated along the Natitingou – Boukoumbe road, Natitingou Hills features an eye-catching landscape and also offers the striking views of surrounding towns and cities including Natitingou.
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